Opportunity Focused Marketing

Opportunity Focused Marketing

Even with today’s economy, there are opportunities. But just showing up isn’t enough today. With the continuing sluggishness of the economy, the proliferation of advances in communication technology and the growth of social marketing, organizations must improve and expand their marketing arsenals just to keep up. Imagination, strategy and discipline are just as critical for success in this brave new world as in the pre-conversational marketing world.

Opportunity Focused Marketing is all about helping organizations uncover, develop and utilize those opportunities that create success. Today, your marketing focus must be directed to where consumer habits, needs, preferences and loyalties intersect with your organization’s ability to fill those voids. Success is determined by an organization’s ability to deliver and communicate appropriately at each and every prospect or client encounter.

Crittenden OFM is dedicated to helping firms realize their brands’ potential by focusing their resources and energies toward those prospects, opportunities and ideas that will make a difference.

  • Customer and Opportunity Insight

    It takes more than just media consumption habits, demographic data and psychographic profiles to engage today’s most promising consumers. Opportunity Focused Marketing seeks to understand which of the thousands of interactions and conversations are most influential to your customers and prospects in their decision-making. Just as today’s consumer has an increased ability to access and process more information, their ability to filter and ignore the irrelevant and ordinary has also been heightened. Today, making and keeping your brand relevant and compelling to your customer is your greatest opportunity and challenge.

  • Resource Allocation and Strategic Development

    Today, being in the right place at the right time with the right message requires going beyond traditional one-way communications. Success requires the ability and commitment to engage prospects and customers in a continuous evolving relationship. Crittenden OFM develops, integrates and directs marketing initiatives to work across the customers’ decision-making spectrum to deliver your brand’s message in its most meaningful form at each touch point. Whether its social media or traditional media, offline or online, organizations must be ready, willing and able to utilize those tools that their customers value. Chasing the latest marketing trend with your marketing budget can be just as unprofitable as maintaining marketing programs and initiatives that are no longer relevant or productive. Decision-making today must be media neutral and cannot be overly influenced by the skill set, comfort level or profit motives of your marketing partner. An organization’s opportunities should never be limited by their marketing partner’s willingness to evolve and improve.

  • Creativity and Implementation

    Strategically directed creativity enables us to leverage your marketing investment to produce greater returns. Our people are relentless in their desire to produce messages that resonate and are persuasive. Just being different or winning awards isn’t their goal. Being effective is. To take advantage of today’s opportunities requires the ability to deliver a consistent, compelling brand positioning and message across multiple media. Broadcast isn’t print, online isn’t offline. Conversations don’t take place without introductions and relationships aren’t built on awareness alone. But your brand is your brand. To maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts necessitates that your brand’s messaging be tailored to fit and take advantage of the opportunities each media allows.

  • Analysis and Improvement

    Continually improving the return of your marketing investment is a key objective of Opportunity Focused Marketing. Today, dynamic tracking and analysis make it possible to access information to make adjustments and improvements that are timely and actionable. As a practice, every initiative and campaign should be designed to allow for continual monitoring and improvement. Sharing information and results across our organization, with our clients and with all marketing partners is vital to achieving and maintaining maximum performance.